📄️ Overview
Codezero is for modern development with Kubernetes. Before Kubernetes and Cloud-computing it was possible to write and debug most software on a single developer workstation. As software complexity has grown and organizations have moved to a microservice focused architecture designed to run on clusters of computers, it is no longer feasible to run these applications on a single workstation. This makes developing new features and diagnosing issues challenging.
📄️ Getting Help
We love hearing from Developers! Feedback from developers like you significantly influences our product roadmap. Without your feedback, our team is relegated to long and drawn out meetings where we debate each other's ill-conceived opinions. Take it from us, we would rather be working on your request.
📄️ About Us
Codezero builds on top of the great work done at Kubernetes, Docker and Istio. Key to the Codezero toolset is enabling developers to close the develop/debug loop by running and testing their code in their local development environment they love, but with the same context and access as though they are actually running in-cluster.